
EU-US Atlantis Programme

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Press Release
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Food for Thought

The international food production and processing industry is the focus of a new NJIT bachelor’s program in multinational engineering management. NJIT will offer the degree in partner- ship with a consortium of uni- versities from the United States and the European Union (EU). Support includes a $416,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for Improvement of Post Secondary Education and an equal grant from the EU.

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NJIT, University of Parma collaborate on a new BS Programme for global Marketplace

NEWARK, Oct 18 2010 - A dual bachelor’s degree in multinational engineering management is under development to be offered next fall by NJIT in partnership with a consortium of universities from the United States and the European Union. With grant support of $416,000 over four years from the U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for Improvement of Post Secondary Education (FIPSE) and an equal grant from the European Union, the program will prepare students for leadership roles in the global marketplace. According to Layek Malek, NJIT professor of industrial engineering and director of the program, the program expects to enroll a first class of 12 students at both the U.S. and E.U. campuses in September 2011. NJIT is the lead American institution, while the University of Parma, Italy, leads the European effort. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, and the University of Extremadura in Spain are also partners.

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Nuove opportunità di studio all'estero per gli studenti di Ingegneria Gestionale

Parma, 15 settembre 2010 - Oggi, alle 11, presso la Sala del Consiglio del Palazzo Centrale dell’Ateneo, si è tenuta la conferenza stampa di presentazione delle nuove opportunità di studio all’estero per gli studenti del corso di laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale dell’Ateneo, a cui sono intervenuti il Rettore Prof. Gino Ferretti, il Prof. Antonio Montepara, Preside della Facoltà di Ingegneria, il Prof. Roberto Montanari e l’Ing. Eleonora Bottani, coordinatori del Progetto.

L’Università di Parma, infatti, ha ottenuto con il progetto UMANE il primo posto nella graduatoria del programma comunitario di cooperazione Unione Europea/USA “ATLANTIS”, grazie a cui gli studenti italiani trascorreranno all’estero parte del proprio percorso di studi, acquisendo titoli di studio presso tutte le Università partner del progetto (Universidad de Extremadura, Spagna e, per gli Stati Uniti, il New Jersey’s Institute of Technology (NJIT) di Newark,New Jersey e la Rutgers University, New Jersey).


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